Here are some common screenshots from SchoolLEARNer. In these examples the educator is a teacher and they have classes but both of these labels are configurable (for example, you may have instructors and courses).
Teacher Home
This is the first page a teacher will see when they log in. It shows a summary of their classes that includes a count of open, closed and pending tasks. It also shows their recent activity in worksheets and news.
Class Work
This page is used by the teacher to manage class tasks. An task may be an assignment, test, investigation etc.The tasks may be filtered by a date range and/or a search string. Please note, tasks are just one of the many parts of a class.
Results by Student
This page is also used by the teacher to review the results of an assignment task. It shows the results broken down by student. There are also links to see the individual student results.
Results by Question
This page is used by the teacher to review the results of an assignment task. It shows the results broken down by question.
Student Results
This page is used by the teacher to review the results of a student. They may see the overall results and the break down by task.
Student Home
This is the first page a student will see when they log in. It shows a summary of their tasks due and recent discussions.
Open Work
This page lists all the tasks the student must complete. It has a summary of the task including the parent role.The student may click the buttons here to begin or continue an task.
This page shows a student task in progress. This task is an assignment and two questions have been submitted and the correct/incorrect responses are displayed accordingly.
Closed Work
This page lists all the tasks that have been completed or past their due date. A student may search for a past task to see their results or to use as reference material.
Parent Home
This is the first page a parent will see when they log in. It shows a summary of their child's tasks due and recent discussions.
Student Work
This page shows how a parent may access their child's online tasks.
Worksheet Details
This shows a sample worksheet. At the top of this page are the worksheet details and following that is the worksheet itself. This worksheet demonstrates some of the different types of questions you may create. Please note, some of the questions in this worksheet contain images and math equations.
Worksheet Search
This page shows how a teacher may find a worksheet. They may search for a worksheets containing specific text and filter the results by subject and year level. They may also apply other filters such as worksheets only contained within a specific group or only those they have created.
My Worksheets
This page shows how a teacher may manage their worksheets. They can easily identify drafts they are working on and those recently accessed. They may also put worksheets in custom groups.